研究内容 Research Interests
Our Research
We use optical and electrophysiological techniques in behaving animals to elucidate the mechanisms of sensorimotor information processing in the brain. We are particularly interested in understanding the role of the cerebellum and related brain regions in adaptive behavioral control.
Two-photon calcium imaging of mouse cerebellar Purkinje cell dendrites
主たる研究テーマ Research Theme
- 小脳、大脳とそれらの連関による運動制御・運動学習のメカニズム
- 小脳の多様な情報表現とその生理的意義の解明
- 意思決定から行動発現にいたる脳内情報フローの解明
- 大脳聴覚野における音声知覚機構の研究
- Motor control and learning mechanisms by cerebro-cerebellar loop
- Physiological relevance of diverse information coding in the cerebellum
- Information flow from decision-making to behavior output
- Mechanism of auditory perception in the cortex
最近の論文 Recent Papers
A multicolor suite for deciphering population coding of calcium and cAMP in vivo.
Optogenetic stimulation of neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex induces changes in intravesical bladder pressure and the micturition reflex
Cerebellar climbing fibers multiplex movement and reward signals during a voluntary movement task in mice.